To complete this recent semi-random series on Personal Style, I want to make a couple of points about making it your own. Sure, everyone can be categorized into 6 style types, but then there are so many questions: "Well then, why don't I like this?" and "What about that?"
Truthfully, it's so much more personal than all that. My kids said, when I was blogging about
the Hillary face, that it's more important to know what you're not, in terms of
style personality, than what you are. There's truth in that.
idiom: A style of artistic expression characteristic of a given individual ...I often think about the idiom in terms of
what a person will wear under specific circumstances. For example, while a glamorous person might wear sequins to get a pedicure, in my particular idiom
a sparkly t-shirt is evening wear. Or what do you wear to a field trip with your kids? A timeless classic mom might choose a
button-up shirt; but if it's
plaid or denim, in my idiom, it's more suited to
raking leaves or cleaning out the garage.
Back here, in Refining the Idiom, I described steps for moving from style personality to idiom and in
Contemplating Understanding Each Other I mention another example of translating a certain style into my own idiom, using sweaters instead of sweatshirts.
What are some examples of your idiom? Do you always wear a ponytail to athletic events? Lipstick when you see your mother-in-law? Navy blazer when you're in charge?
Okay, I'll be quiet now and let you answer.